The Ebbw Vale Works Archival Trust

Charity Commission for England and Wales 

Registration Number 1107515

Trust Deed

The Ebbw Vale Works Archival Trust was founded on the 11th November 2002 in an agreement between Corus UK and the First Trustees namely: Messers Brian Baker, Barrie Caswell, John Gaydon, Les Pinney and Mel Warrender.

The objects of the Trust are to advance the education of the public by the establishment and maintenance of a museum and the collection, preservation and public display of the Trusts Collection.

Copies of the Trust Deed are available at the museum and the original copy is safely deposited at Barclays Bank at Ebbw Vale.


The Ebbw Vale Works Archival Trust

Ebbw Vale Works Museum,

Steelworks Road.

Ebbw Vale.

Blaenau Gwent

NP23 6AA



Secretary - Brain Baker

Treasurer - Les Pinney

Chairman: Mel Warrender


The First Bessemer Shop.